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Z quasi- a synonym.

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  1. kvazisynonymum: přibližné synonymum
    • Where the meaning is not entirely equivalent, attention can be drawn to this in the form of an explanatory note. Translations should be treated as synonyms or quasi-synonyms.[1]
    • UF[...]Use for : the following term is a non-preferred synonym or quasi-synonym;[2]
    • The quasi-synonym device should be avoided as a means of reducing the size of the vocabulary by grouping together terms that ought to be treated as independent indexing terms, except in marginal subject areas.[3]
    • I have argued for a particular definition of quasi-synonym which I think accurately captures the types of relationships exemplified in the preceding section, [...][4]
    • quasi-synonym See near synonym.[5]


  1. Guidelines for the Establishment and Development of Monolingual Thesauri for Information Retrieval. UNESCO. 1971
  2. Information Science and Libraries, New Delhi[1]
  3. Thesaurus Construction and Use. Jean Aitchison, David Bawden, Alan Gilchrist. 2003[2]
  4. Kids' Slips. Jeri J. Jaeger.[3]
  5. Guidelines for the Construction, Format, and Management of Monolingual Controlled Vocabularies, ANSI/NISO Z39.19-200

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