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umbrella term

Z Wikislovníku



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  1. zastřešující termín
    • Yet the concept of globalisation is little more than an umbrella term used to lump together a number of actual processes of change.[1]
    • As dyslexia is an umbrella term, this has led to the label being changed oce more in the 1900s, to Specific Learning Difficulties.[2]
    • “Dementia” is an umbrella term (figure 1.1), much like cancer is an umbrella term. There are more than seventy different causes of dementia.[3]

významově související



  1. Showcasing Globalisation? Nicola Jo-Anne Smith. 2005
  2. Towards A Sociology of Dyslexia, Stephen James Macdonald. 2009[1]
  3. Creative Engagement. Rachael Wonderlin. 2020

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