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Poslední komentář: před 6 lety od uživatele Cetiletý pedone-marciatore
¥Uživatel:OprrDopl'UprPyprr Sorry for english. I'm not even Čech or english speaker. Could you please explain why did you revert my edit? Both En-US & En-UK pronunciation is like this Soubor:En-us-Bangladesh.ogg (no diffencence) but we Bangladeshi's pronounce like this Soubor:Bn-বাংলাদেশ.oga which i renamed from Soubor:En-us-Bangladesh.ogg to Soubor:Bn-বাংলাদেশ.oga because its name was incorrect --Aftabuzzaman (diskuse) 30. 3. 2018, 03:51 (CEST)
- Well, in my opinion, even if it is true pronunciation for a Bangladeshi word, it has no place in this English entry. Yours, wikifriendly --Cetiletý pedone-marciatore (diskuse) 30. 3. 2018, 04:05 (CEST) *I mean, thank you very much for creating that file, we may use it after someone creates the বাংলাদেশ entry in our Czech version.